Wednesday 16 October 2013

What type of Mathematics makes you tick?

I would say that all Mathematicians are geeks. I am proud to say that I am a geek but I have certain areas of Mathematics that I particularly enjoy.
I asked my trainees last week what part of Mathematics made them tick. Most said algebra as they liked the routine and the ability to get an actual answer. 
I showed them the badges below and it created a good discussion which gave me a good insight into how and why they love Mathematics so much.

              Which badge best describes you?

My favourite is "I use symbols because I'm greater than you!"

I always used the because and therefore symbols when teaching and I would always get pupils asking what they meant. But usually after a few weeks of reminding them they usually got into the swing of things and started to use the symbols for themselves.

Being a great teacher is about modelling yourself so pupils then follow in your footsteps. Pupils need a good role model in Mathematics and this is down to all Maths teachers out there! 

So think carefully how you set your work out on the board. Think about how you share your passion for the subject as this will usually have a MASSIVE impact on the students and their love for Mathematics. 

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